This document describes how to work with the Seeder APIs


Authentication is based on token sent over the headers. You will need to get this token to do anything useful on production environment.

$ http POST :8000/api/token username=username password=heslo -vv
POST /api/token HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 47
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.3

    "password": "heslo",
    "username": "username"

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Language: en
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2016 00:14:39 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.6
Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    "token": "b4a3f506347adcdd51bc3c1e95449002384ab260"

Source endpoint

The most useful API is the source endpoint. This can be used to retrieve and update the source data.

The source url is on /api/source/<id>


The get request will return document with following structure:

    "active": true,
    "aleph_id": "2121",
    "annotation": "document annotation",
    "category": 12,
    "comment": "internal comment",
    "created": "2016-02-06T00:41:45.453995Z",
    "frequency": 12,
    "id": 1,
    "issn": "1212-50125",
    "last_changed": "2016-04-07T22:45:41.873747Z",
    "mdt": "02",
    "name": "Source name",
    "publisher": {
        "active": true,
        "contacts": [
                "active": true,
                "address": "Praha",
                "created": "2016-02-06T00:40:39.625087Z",
                "email": "redakce@example.com",
                "id": 1,
                "last_changed": "2016-02-06T00:40:39.625110Z",
                "name": "Petra",
                "phone": null,
                "position": null,
                "publisher": 1
        "created": "2016-02-06T00:40:06.532276Z",
        "id": 1,
        "last_changed": "2016-02-06T00:40:06.532302Z",
        "name": "Example publisher"
    "publisher_contact": 1,
    "screenshot": "http://localhost:8000/media/screenshots/1_04042016.png",
    "screenshot_date": "2016-04-04T00:37:20.388037Z",
    "seed": {
        "active": true,
        "budget": null,
        "calendars": false,
        "comment": "",
        "created": "2016-02-06T00:52:32.701084Z",
        "from_time": null,
        "gentle_fetch": "",
        "global_reject": false,
        "id": 322,
        "javascript": false,
        "last_changed": "2016-03-16T23:40:57.124311Z",
        "local_traps": false,
        "redirect": false,
        "robots": false,
        "state": "exc",
        "to_time": null,
        "url": "http://www.example.com",
        "youtube": false
    "state": "success",
    "sub_category": 235,
    "suggested_by": null

For source and state values / meaning see Seeder/source/constants.py file.


You can update the source document with the same structure as displayed in GET. You should only list the fields that you wish to update.

Following example shows partial update of the source document.


      "url": "http://www.example.com",
      "global_reject": true
   "name": "New source name",
   "sub_category": 231